Logic tab (Edit Banner)


Select Setup|Banners|Edit Banner and choose the Logic tab to specify banner logic.

The logic represents the variable name or record/column location and value of the data. Typically, a banner's first column is ‘Total’. To designate a ‘Total’ column, enter ‘TN’ in the Banner logic for selected column field for that column. 'TN' is logic that is used to represent 'Total n' in WinCross and is generally used for Table filter logic and Banner column logic.


If the banner uses SUB (subtotal) logic, the banner column with the SUB logic must precede the columns being summed. You can use SUB- logic to define a banner column that follows (rather than precedes) the columns being summed.


** Logic can have up to 1024 characters.


** WinCross logic using variable names is converted to record/column location when evaluating the length (for example, GENDER (1) might be converted to 1/5:1 (1)). In most cases the 1024-character logic limit when converted to record/column location will be different than the original number of characters using variables names. If the record/column location conversion results in more than 1024 characters, a syntax error will be issued indicating the logic is more than 1024 characters.

Related topics:

Edit Banner


Logic syntax