Horizontal/Constant Percents tab (Edit Banner)


Select Setup|Banners|Edit Banner and choose the Horizontal/Constant Percents tab.


Horizontal percent uses a column total and prints the percent calculated (vertical percent uses a row total). You pair a banner column with another column for horizontal percentaging. Usually, a ‘total’ column is used for percentaging all other banner columns. Sometimes, a banner has more than one ‘total’ column, so you can specify more than one pair of columns for horizontal percent.

Constant percent (also referred to as "Corner percent") uses a constant value or column number and row (Total, Total Answering, Sigma or Table Filter Row) intersection to calculate the constant percent (vertical percent uses a row total and horizontal percent uses a column total).

Important: Constant percent must be selected for a banner AND selected for a table (see Setup|Tables|Table Options).


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Edit Banner
