

Search|Replace is activated for all files, except data files.



Enter the string to use as the search criteria in this field. Alternatively, you can paste information from the clipboard. To do so, right-click within the field, then click Paste from the context-sensitive menu.


Replace with:

Match whole words

Searches for occurrences that are whole words, rather than those that are part of a larger word.


Match case


Searches from the top down through the selected text for the search criteria specified.



Searches from the bottom up through the selected text for the search criteria specified.



Scope|From cursor

Replaces from where the cursor is placed in the file to the top or bottom of the file depending on the Direction selected.

Job file syntax matching (for job files only)

Match text of type:

An "End of text has been reached" message appears if the string is not found.

Related topics:

 Search Menu