Statistics Menu (ExpressTabs)


The Statistics Menu options of ExpressTabs lets you choose which statistics to display and to set the decimal precision for those statistics (Frequency, Vertical percent, Horizontal percent, Mean, Standard deviation, Standard error and Median).


Show Frequency

Displays the number of cases for each ‘cell’ (intersection of a row and a banner column).


Show Vertical Percent

Displays the percent of a cell based to the filter row total.


Show Horizontal Percent

Displays the percent of a cell based to a banner column.


Show Mean

Specifies the values to use in calculating any descriptive statistics: the mean, standard deviation and standard error. The mean is the sum of the values divided by the number of values, so the values in all rows are used in calculating these statistics for tables.


Show Standard Deviation

Measures variance from the mean for a set of values.


Show Standard Error

Measures the standard error of means. It is calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the sample size.


Show Median

Reports the middle value of all values; half the values of the variable fall below the median and half fall above.


Perform Significance Testing

Performs significance testing for percents when Show Vertical Percent is selected. Performs significance testing for means when Show Mean is selected. WinCross determines from the structure of the table which test to apply. If the data are independent the Independent (using unpooled proportions) Z-test will be used for percents and the Independent (assume unequal variances) T-Test will be used for means.


Note: The Median does interpolate if the value falls at exactly 50%.


Set Precision


Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Frequency is 0 decimal places.


Vertical percent

Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Vertical percent is 1 decimal places.


Horizontal percent

Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Horizontal percent is 1 decimal places.



Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Mean is 2 decimal places.


Standard deviation

Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Standard deviation is 3 decimal places.


Standard error

Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Standard error is 3 decimal places.



Choose between 0 and 4 decimals places from the dropdown menu. The WinCross default for Median is 3 decimal places.


Restore Defaults

Restores all decimal place precision to the WinCross defaults.

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