Crosstabs is a second step of creating crosstabs and running reports and lets you create, edit, rename and delete crosstabs as well as link and unlink datasets.
Crosstabs are then used for building Reports.
Filter to associated dataset
Choose the dataset for use with Crosstabs from the dropdown list. To show all crosstabs owned by or shared to the current user, choose None (show all crosstabs) as your filter.
- Enter the crosstab Name.
- Enter the Description (optional) for the new crosstab.
- Choose between a standard crosstab and Side by Side crosstab
- A standard crosstab is derived from your typical component
- A side by side crosstab allows you to create a crosstab that would normally be shown on muliple tables. Fror example, you might create a side by side crosstab for a two-product test, where each product is a banner column and the rows represent the same series of questions that were asked for each product.
- Select Create Crosstab to create the new crosstab and move directly to Edit Crosstab where you will assign Titles, Table Components, Banner Components, Options and Comparison Groups.
Crosstab Information
Crosstab Information includes the name, description, type, the number of table and banner components, last modified date and time, owner and the linked datasets for the selected Crosstab.
- Select a crosstab from the Crosstabs list and choose Run Crosstab to create a report from the selected crosstab.
- This allows you to create a report for a single crosstab without having to add the crosstab to a report.
- If you need to create one report from multiple crosstabs, use the Create Reports option from the Tabulation menu.
Rename Crosstab or Update Description
- Enable the Crosstabs list check box for a single crosstab or click anywhere on a crosstab in the Crosstabs list to highlight a single crosstab.
- Select Rename Crosstab or Update Description at the top of the Crosstab Information panel for the selected crosstab.
- Enter a new Name and/or Description.
- Choose Save.
- You cannot rename a crosstab that is shared to you unless you were given Rename privileges by the Owner of the selected crosstab.
The Crosstabs list provides the Name and Owner for each Crosstab owned by or shared to the current user.
- Enable the Crosstabs list check box for a single crosstab or click anywhere on a crosstab in the Crosstabs list to highlight a single crosstab to display Crosstab Information or make changes to the selected/highlighted crosstab.
- Only one crosstab can be highlighted at a time and the Crosstab Information panel displays information about the highlighted crosstab.
- If you enable the check box for more than one crosstab in the Crosstab list, the Crosstab Information for the highlighted crosstab will display whether its check box is enabled or not. If no Crosstab Information is displayed, a crosstab in the Crosstab list has not been highlighted.
- A crosstab becomes highlighted when either the check box for a single crosstab is checked or you click anywhere on a single crosstab in the Crosstabs list.
Linked datasets
The Linked datasets list provides a list of datasets currently linked to the selected crosstab.
Sharing Details
Sharing Details provides a list of other WinCross Executive users who have been shared to this Crosstab and what privileges this user has to this Crosstab.
- You can assign or remove privileges for a crosstab that is shared to another user by enabling/disabling the Read, Write, Delete, Download/Export, Rename and Move and then choosing Apply.
- You can remove sharing privileges by choosing the Unshare Crosstab option next to the user that is currently shared to this crosstab.
Provides a list of users that you have added as your Associates.
- You can share selected Crosstabs to your associates, by choosing the desired Associate from the list and selecting Share to Associate.
- You can share selected Crosstabs to all of the Associates in the list by choosing Select all. Only those associates that are confirmed users of WinCross Executive will be assigned sharing privileges to the selected crosstab.
- The newly shared crosstab will now appear in the Sharing details list with Read privileges only, as the default.
- Add/Manage Associates will take you to My Associates where you can review, add or remove associates. Alternatively, you can select the My Associates option from the Account dropdown menu to review, add or remove associates.
The Duplicate option will create a duplicate of an existing crosstab. This can be helpful when you want to use a common banner for multiple crosstabs in the same report. This alleviates the need to redo the banner components when all you want to change are the table components.
- Enable the Crosstabs list check box for one or more crosstabs.
- Choose Duplicate to create a copy of an existing crosstab.
- The new crosstab will have the same name with " _duplicate" appended to the name and appear in the Crosstabs list.
- Use the Rename Crosstab or Update Description option of Crosstab information to rename the duplicate crosstab (optional).
- If the Filter to associated dataset selected is owned by or shared to you, this dataset will be linked to the duplicate crosstab.
- If the Filter to associated dataset selected is not owned by or shared to you, no dataset will be linked to the duplicate crosstab.
- If there is no Filter to associated dataset selected (None (show all crosstabs)), no dataset will be linked to the duplicate crosstab.
- Linked datasets and Sharing details displayed in Crosstab information for the selected crosstab are not duplicated when creating a duplicate crosstab.
- Enable the Crosstabs list check box for one or more crosstabs.
- Choose Delete to delete the selected crosstab(s). Use caution when deleting crosstabs; the delete operation cannot be undone.
- You cannot delete a crosstab that is shared to you unless you were given Delete privileges by the Owner of this crosstab.
Link Datasets
- Allows you to link the selected crosstab(s) to one or more datasets.
- Enable the Crosstabs list check box for one or more crosstabs.
- Choose Link Datasets to display a list of datasets for linking.
- Select the check box for the desired datasets(s) from the list of datasets.
- Choose Link Datasets to link the selected crosstab(s) to the checked datasets.
Unlink Datasets
- Allows you to unlink the selected crosstab(s) from one or more datasets.
- Enable the Crosstabs list check box for one or more crosstabs.
- Choose Unlink Datasets to display a list of datasets for unlinking.
- Select the check box for the desired datasets(s) from the list of datasets.
- Choose Unlink Datasets to unlink the selected crosstab(s) from the checked datasets.
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