WinCross Executive Help

My Drive

My Drive provides a list of files either owned by or shared to the current user, in a Folders and files tree. The highest level in the tree is always a folder with the name of the login email address used. Folder and files information and Sharing details are displayed for the selected folder/file.


Data file versus dataset:

WinCross Executive makes a distinction between a "data file" and a "dataset".

"Data file" refers to data in its conventional format: as a disk file with a file extension, such as *.sav or *.xlsx.

"Dataset" refers to that same data after it has been converted for use with WinCross Executive. Data files in format *.sav, *.xlsx, or any delimited format such as*.csv or *.tab can be converted to a dataset for use with WinCross Executive.

Once variables are edited (or deleted) in WinCross Executive, the dataset differs from the data file. To revert to the original data file (variable structure), the Regenerate Dataset option on the My Drive dialog can be used. To create a new data file from a modified dataset, the Export Dataset option on the Datasets dialog can be used.


Folders and Files filter dropdown list

Files shown in the Folders and Files tree can be filtered by All Files, Data Files and Other Files.


Folder/File Information

Folder/File Information includes the path, folder/file name, size, creation date and time, last upload date and time, last modified date and time, last modified by, owner, description (optional), whether this file is a dataset (including the number of records and variables) and the file status (for data files only).

  • For large data files, the File status may indicate the status of "Processing data values" with a percentage completed. When the data file is in this status, an Update Status option allows you to get an update on the File status as the data file is processed. Once the data file is completely uploaded the File status changes to "Ready" and the Update Status option is no longer available.
  • Convert to dataset allows you to convert your .XLSX, or .CSV file to a data file WinCross Executive can then use.
  • You can use the Regenerate Dataset option to restore the original dataset from the data file. This option will replace the current dataset with the newly converted dataset and any changes you made to that dataset will be lost. The Regenerate Dataset option can be helpful if you made changes to a dataset that you no longer want/need and want to restore the original dataset without having to upload the data file again.
  • Quick Counts will take you directly to a quick and easy-to-use feature that can help you explore "what if" scenarios and/or whether your data supports further analysis. Your express tables can be filtered and/or weighted and reports can be saved as Excel reports. The Associated dataset will automatically be set to the data file selected from the Folders and Files tree.


Sharing Details

Sharing Details provides a list of other WinCross Executive users who have been shared to the selected folder/file/dataset and what privileges this user has to this folder/file/dataset.

  • You can assign or remove privileges for a folder/file/dataset that is shared to another user by enabling/disabling the Read, Write, Delete, Download, Rename and Move check boxes and then choosing Apply
  • You can remove sharing privileges by choosing the Unshare Folder/File option next to the user that is currently shared to this folder/file/dataset.



Provides a list of users that you have added as your Associates.

  • You can share selected folders/files/datasets to your associates, by choosing the desired Associate from the list and selecting Share Selected Folder/File to Associate.
  • You can share selected folders/files/datasets to all of the Associates in the list by choosing Select all. Only those associates that are confirmed users of WinCross Executive will be assigned sharing privileges to the selected folder/file/dataset.
  • The newly shared folder/file/dataset will now appear in the Sharing details list with Read privileges only, as the default.
  • Manage Associates will take you to My Associates where you can review, add or remove associates. Alternatively, you can select the My Associates option from the Account dropdown menu to review, add or remove associates.








New Folder

Related topics:

My Associates

WinCross Executive