

Save Job

Save Job As

Save Data

Save Data As

Save Runtime **  

Save Runtime As **

Save Report 

Save Report As

Save Report Log

Save Report Log As

Save Data File Information


You can save job, data and report files using their current or new filenames. Choose the File|Save options to save a file with the same name; choose the File|Save|Save As options to save a file with a new name. All options appearing on this menu operate identically between the various file types represented. WinCross supports long-character filenames.


File|Save|Save Options

Use the File|Save|Save options to save changes to already-named files; files are updated with any changes you made to them. Job files are updated with the changed information when you use File|Save|Save Job. Data files are updated with the changed information when you use File|Save|Save Data.


Report and report log information is not appended with File|Save|Save options; rather the most recent information overwrites the previous information. If you want to save the previous report or report log information, choose a File|Save|Save As function (described next) to assign a new filename to a new report or updated report file or a new report log or updated report log file.


File|Save|Save As Options

Use the File|Save|Save As options to save a file for the first time or to save an existing file using a new filename.


All dialog boxes accessed through the File|Save|Save As options function in the same manner.


Though it is not mandatory to use WinCross-recommended file extensions when saving job and report files, previously-saved job files having a *.job extension and report files having an *.rpt extension automatically appear in the dialog box below the path.


To save your work using a new filename, enter the desired filename in the File name: field. You can also select any pre-existing file shown; that filename will then be displayed in the File name: field. You can then revise its existing filename if you like. For example, you might select test2.rpt, and then alter its name within the File name: field to test3.rpt, resulting in both files being saved. 


Save as type

You can save a report file as Plain Text Reports (*.rpt, *.out)—the default selection, Enhanced Text Reports (*.xml), rich text format (*.rtf), Microsoft Excel 1997-2003 (*.xls), Microsoft Excel 2007-2013 (*.xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2013 (*.pptx), or Adobe (*.pdf). Select the dropdown list button adjacent to the Save as type: field and choose the preferred format.


Reports in Enhanced Text format (*.xml) can be fully-customized for general viewing and printing from your Internet browser. Additionally, Enhanced Text Reports can be uploaded directly to, and viewed from, a company Intranet or an external Internet Website. When choosing this option for reports, four ancillary files are automatically created in addition to the  {filename}.xml file. These are:

If you are saving an Enhanced Text report (*.xml) file to a folder in which you have not previously saved *.xml reports, two additional files, wccntent.xsl and wcmenu.xsl, are automatically copied to that folder by WinCross.


** Only available in WinCross Runtime Version