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Total Support for the Marketing Researcher 

The Analytical Group, Inc. has proudly provided Software and Support Services for the marketing research community for over 50 years. We’ve developed our software and services based on a half century of our clients’ needs. If you are in need of high performance software, tabulation or statistical consulting, The Analytical Group, Inc., is here for you!

If you already use our software, that’s not the end of our relationship. We are here to support you and your organization.
If an employee is on vacation, or you have too much work, we can help!



We are here to help!
We can assist you with…

Data Processing
Web Surveys
Statistical Analysis
Optical Scanning


WinCross Desktop

WinCross, the industry's leading crosstabulation software, provides the ability to highlight trends in data and determine statistical significance.

WinCross Executive

WinCross Executive

WinCross Executive brings the marketing research industry’s most advanced crosstabulation software online.


WinQuery and QueryWeb

WinQuery and QueryWeb enable sophisticated surveys to be created for phone, face-to-face and web-based interviewing.

TAG thanks Herman

Before Benedict Cumberbatch (aka Sherlock Holmes) invented the computer, there was the inventor, Herman Hollerith.

When Herman Hollerith invented the punch card and counter sorter back in 1890, he could hardly have imagined where he was leading us.

With his invention, the automation of marketing research data analysis became possible. Thus, Herman initiated a future where the customer now ranks above the CEO on many an organizational chart.

We, at The Analytical Group, Inc., think of Herman as the father of our niche.


Like many niches, ours first became discernable when an unmet need emerged in the marketplace. In 1970, the mainframe computer had just begun a revolution in data collection and data processing. Yet, few had the experience necessary to maximize the power of the mainframe for marketing research.

We used our considerable technical and marketing expertise to create RESQUE, cross tabulation software that operated on an IBM mainframe. We sold this software to large corporations that had their own computers, and we provided data processing services to small-and medium-sized companies that didn’t have access or the expertise.


In the early 1980’s, mini-computers made high-speed computing affordable to more companies, so we developed a version of RESQUE for the DEC VAX.

With the advent of PCs, we saw a marketing research tool that greatly enhanced the speed and cost-effectiveness of data collection.

Anticipating the ultimate migration of most marketing research functions to the PC, we acquired the rights to market and develop A-CROSS, an award-winning DOS based cross tabulation software. With the advent of the Windows operating systems, TAG developed WinCross, our state-of-the-art crosstabulation software. 


Some of our clients look to us for quality marketing research software, others for assistance completing studies. Consultants use us as their research team, so they can concentrate on design and analysis. And rather than hire additional staff, full-service research companies turn to us in times of peak demand.

Our niche is now as broad and varied as the individual needs of our clients. Through a series of adaptations to the business environment, and our strong commitment to provide what our clients need, we provide total support for the marketing researcher.

Thank you, Herman, for getting us started.


"We get paid for working with our heads."

~~ Herman Hollerith

© Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Analytical Group, Inc. - 15300 N. 90th Street, Ste 500 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260