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WinQuery is powerful and easy-to-use software for all your interviewing needs.  

You can use WinQuery to conduct networked phone interviewing, in-person or tablet interviewing.

Additionally, you can host internet studies online when WinQuery is used in conjunction with QueryWeb Hosting, a service provided by The Analytical Group, Inc. 

WinQuery Features

WinQuery is affordably priced and runs on all Windows-based PC’s.

Create and Design

Questionnaires can contain complex logic and branching,
question/answer randomization, gridding and looping.


Phone, web and in-person interviews. Dial phone studies using VoIP technology. Record open-end responses or entire questionnaires to an audio file.


Powerful domestic and international sample management. Manage calling patterns and callbacks.

Review and Output

Easily output data files including WinCross®, Excel®, .SAV and other delimited file types.

QueryWeb Online Interviewing

Web-enable your WinQuery project in minutes using QueryWeb Designer.

Learn More

Click below for additional WinQuery details:

  • Import questionnaire text directly from your text editor or word processor
  • WinQuery automatically assigns initial logic to your questionnaire text
  • WinQuery features can then be used to customize your questionnaire
    • Complex logic and branching
    • Advanced quota control
    • Question/answer randomization, gridding and looping
    • Answer piping/inserts
    • Record open-end responses or record an entire questionnaire to an audio file
    • Play multimedia files to respondents
  • Autopilot feature performs automatic test interviews and produces test data
  • Customize appearance for web interviewing using QueryWeb Designer (included with WinQuery)

  • Conduct phone interviews in domestic and international time zones
  • Conduct phone interviews in multiple languages
  • Conduct in-person or tablet interviews
  • Conduct Internet interviews using QueryWeb (hosting service by TAG)

  • Powerful domestic and international sample management
  • Manage calling patterns and callbacks
  • Manage phone and web studies via the Internet
  • Dial phone studies using VoIP technology
  • Manage and track progress of projects and interviewers
  • Visually monitor interviewing

  • Easily output data files including WinCross®, Excel®, .SAV and other delimited file types
  • Run crosstabulation, marginal, sigma and numeric progression reports
  • Review spelling and grammar for open-end data
  • Code open-end data
  • Move data to custom locations

  • Study dashboard listing vital project information including study dispositions, sample statistics and interviewing statistics
  • Master Expert version to program a study using logic commands input directly into questionnaire text reducing programming time (optional module)
  • Stair-step political polling module to dial, manage and report sample by cluster and region (optional module)
  • Client interview version to create a demonstration interview for a client to review
  • Ability to insert questionnaire templates and answer prelists
  • Online software updates

Ready to get started?

WinQuery - Try now!

WinQuery is available for evaluation
free-of-charge for 30 days.

Using the evaluation version allows you to become more familiar with WinQuery.

A fully functional license of WinQuery is provided for 30 days. The software can be used on a single workstation during that period without limitation. You’ll be able to create questionnaires and make live calls. We’re confident that you’ll be very impressed by the feature set offered in WinQuery, and by its many customization options.

Our Exploring WinQuery guide is available to help you become better acquainted with WinQuery during your evaluation period.

WinQuery Video Demo

WinQuery FAQ

CATI stands for "computer assisted telephone interview" and refers to a type of software used at phone centers. Here, interviewers dial phone numbers of potential respondents at their home or place of business, with the respondents representing a select sampling of the population.

CAPI stands for "computer assisted personal interview." This type of interviewing is usually completed in person at the homes or businesses of selected respondents, or at mall intercept centers. WinQuery can be easily switched between these two modes.

Yes. You can save any questionnaire in web-ready format. You can then easily upload the web-ready files to our hosting server running QueryWeb.

Yes. WinQuery users can easily share work with each other. In order to complete large studies in less time, WinQuery users can tap into the capacity of other WinQuery users and share work.

WinQuery data is stored in ASCII files. Using this widely recognized format, data can easily be output in either .SAV, Excel, comma-delimited, tab-delimited, single record layout or card/column format.

Using some simple formatting rules, you can import almost any type of survey questionnaire, then edit it in WinQuery. This can save you a lot of time during the programming process and in duplication of tasks.

Data collected in WinQuery can be directly imported into WinCross and SPSS. With the purchase of an optional linking module, WinQuery data can also be used by Uncle, Microtab, Quantum, Merlin or The Survey System.

An auto punch is a quick way to punch the market based off of a numeric sample element.

Please review this helpful PDF document for additional information.

A volumetric is used to compare a constant value to a numeric question. It can also be used to compare two numeric questions.

Please review this helpful PDF document for additional information.

In order to refer back to the data collected in a loop, the data must be stored in a separate "dummy" question.

Please review this helpful PDF document for additional information.

The Master Expert and Expert versions are optional WinQuery features which can be purchased separately. The Expert versions are the most expedient method of creating WinQuery questionnaires, since they let you write logic commands using your text editor for inclusion in your questionnaire, bypassing the Build Questionnaire menu options.

Master Expert allows you to program a WinQuery study using logic commands to input question text, answer text and study logic. Regular Expert version only allows logic to be applied to an existing study (question and answer text must be input separately for regular Expert version).


WinQuery Training

The Analytical Group, Inc. offers a 3-day training class covering the use of WinQuery, our telephone interviewing program.

Attending WinQuery Training is a great way to get up-to-speed on this feature-rich interviewing software. The materials covered in the class are outlined below.

We limit class size to six students, ensuring an informal environment in which students can interact more easily with the instructor.

WinQuery Training is priced at $1350 per person.

To register for an upcoming class, please email to reserve your spot.

Day One

Customizing WinQuery
Summary of Pre-interview Steps

<<< Lunch Break >>>

Creating Questionnaires
Programming in Multiple Languages
Program Example Questionnaire

Day Two

Program Example Questionnaire
Quality Control Procedures

<<< Lunch Break >>>

Managing WinQuery Projects
Quota Control
Sample Preparation
International Dialing Features
Calling Windows

Day Three

Conduct Interview
WinQuery Data Management
Data Files

<<< Lunch Break >>> 

QueryWeb Designer
Questions and Answers

WinQuery Pricing

5 station license


Next 6 - 10 stations

$1,500 each

Next 11 - 15 stations

$1,000 each

Next 16 + stations

$500 each

Expert Version


All WinQuery purchases include free upgrades for one (1) year from the original date of purchase.

After the first year, the annual maintenance/upgrade program is offered at $500 for up to 5 stations, $1,000 for up 10 stations, $1,500 for up to 15 stations, etc.

For inquiries and orders, please email

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